Black in Architecture®
Architecture | Racial Equity
Research Impact Activities
Black in Architecture® Symposium: a one-day symposium and workshop
Save the Date: Black in Architecture Symposium — Thursday 21st October 2021
The event will bring together architects, educators, researchers, students, decision-makers and others. The symposium and workshop will recognise contributions of Black and Black British people in the field and promote discourse around the agency of architecture in addressing and dismantling institutional barriers.
The event theme, programme, guest speaker and workshop facilitator will be announced closer to the event date.
The inspiration to hold a symposium comes from Black in Design Conference, the Founder of Black in Architecture’s on-going work at /tap Exchange and her previous work at the University of East London (The Production of Place Conference and workshops, 2012) and the Sheffield School of Architecture (Ecology Theory Forum, 2009).
Reading and writing group: on race and architecture
Screenshot, ‘race and architecture’ search — Accessed 09/06/2021
Reading and Writing series on Race and Architecture will welcome themes for sessions at the School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University. The aim is to encourage inclusive participation in discourse on race and racism. The series will also encourage writings on issues of race, equity and design justice by those who often face institutional barriers.
The idea for a reading and writing group was inspired by Race | Space.
Black in Architecture Exhibition: end of year exhibition
Screenshot, Oxford Brookes University School of Architecture Digital Exhibition cover page. Accessed 09/06/2021
Black in Architecture Exhibition will coincide with the end of year show at Oxford Brookes School of Architecture in 2022.
This exhibition will showcase the work of and work by Black and Black British people. It will also highlight work that centers Blackness at Oxford Brookes School of Architecture.
We reference the ARB’s ethnicity breakdown for the term Black or Black British. The focus on Black and Black British people is owed to the Founder and Researcher of Black in Architecture identifying as Black British herself. She is an expert of her own experiences and not an expert on race. Her work is driven by her curiosity and motivation to help build better and fairer communities.